Monday, July 1, 2013

Country Threads UFO

This continues to be so much fun. I can hardly wait until the first of the month comes so I can find out which of my UFOs needs to be finished next. Thankfully, it's another easy one this month. I have a lot of other projects that HAVE to be finished during July...a wedding quilt, a baby quilt and perhaps a birthday present or two. For my UFO, I just have to put a binding on a beautiful little table mat that a friend actually made for me.

Here is my finished June UFO. A framed alphabet sampler from Primitive Gatherings. Notice, no blackbirds! I hate that those birds are on so many things!

Isn't the antique toy sewing machine too cute. It was a gift from my friend Leigh who recently came for a visit and to attend The Grande Old Flag event at Country Sampler in Spring Green, WI.

I was inspired at that retreat to finish a sampler by Linda Lautenschlager (Chessie and Me) that I started several years ago. Since I had all the framing supplies out, I finished it too.

Hopefully I will get everything done that needs to be done this month and have lots of pictures to show you next month.


  1. I love both your projects, and the sewing machine is pretty cute, too!

  2. Thanks, Kathy. I'm really having fun with the Country Threads UFO Challenge. The additional UFOs getting done are a bonus. If you're on Pinterest I have a Board of all my completed UFOs for Country Threads. Search for Jodi Miller and the Board is "My Country Threads Finished Projects".
